Tuesday, May 22, 2007


OK guys, it must be time to take some action over the situation of the IUJ Bus.

Last Monday, I arrived back from Tokamachi where I had stayed with a friend for the weekend, and discovered that the IUJ Bus was canceled due to it being 'IUJ Foundation Day', a holiday not even marked on the calendar as it is not national. It was a bright day so I was able to walk back, but more worrying were the people with me at the bus stop who lived in Urasa. They had a choice between a ¥1600 taxi or not going to class - needless to say they decided not to attend.

With our campus being so isolated and in the middle of nowhere, it is imperative that IUJ provides a convenient and frequent bus service. Currently, it stops at 6pm and dosnt run on Sundays, which is just shameful.

What if we want to buy something that we forgot on Sunday? Now, we can just walk to 7/11, but in the winter the 2 meters of snow will put a stop to that. What if we want to eat off campus, away from the "food" that is from Shokudo? Fancy a drink off campus, or a trip to the bowling alley (Muikamachi) or cinema (Nagaoka), then you have to pay for expensive taxis.

This is a problem that has to be dealt with. Our ¥1.9m per year tuition demands a better bus service!

Monday, May 21, 2007

IUJ Olympics: Basketball

Hey everyone,
IUJ Olympics is around the corner, so if you are interested in joining:

-Basketball 5x5 or 3x3 (depends on how many participants)
-3 Pts contest
Please, write your name and email as a comment.

If you have any questions, contact "talal143@iuj.ac.jp"

The rules will be given out after the deadline!


IUJ Olympics: Football

Dear Students,

I hope you enjoyed the warm-up tournament this past weekend!

This is to let you know that you can sign up here for the IUJ Olympics' Football (Soccer) Tournament. All you need to do is post a comment below including your name & email, and we'll take care of the rest.

"Come get a kick out of life!"
(on behalf of) IUJ Soccer Club

Sunday, May 20, 2007

IUJ Olympics: Tennis - Sugihara Cup

Dear IUJ students,

This is a special announcement about the Sugihara Cup which will be the final event to close out the IUJ Olympics.

1. The format will be Doubles (2 players to a side)
2. The first to win 4 sets will win the match
3. Standard Tennis rules of play & conduct apply (will be provided before the event)

Immediately following the Sugihara Cup, there will be a Closing Ceremony / BBQ.

If you would like to compete for the Sugihara Cup please sign up as a team with your names and emails. If you do not have a partner yet, don´t worry, you may submit your name to be placed with a partner.

IUJ Olympics: Ping-Pong

Hey folks,

If you wanna participate in the Ping-Pong Challenge event in the IUJ Olympics, please sign your name here by Thursday, May 31st as a comment:

For example:
Virat Singhal - virat@iuj.ac.jp

Once we have all the names for ping-pong we will send out a list to help you form your teams.

See you at the tables.

IUJ Olympics: Dodgeball

Howdy sportsfans,

We're proud to announce that due to popular demand, Dodgeball is back again with a special event for the IUJ Olympics!

Date: Saturday, June 9th
Time: TBA

If you want to play, please kindly list your name here, it will help GSO put together a list of people interested in playing Dodgeball, which should help you to form fair Olympic teams with a diverse set of talents.

Looking forward to seeing all your names!!!


IUJ Olympics Badminton

Dear IUJers,
For those who are interested in playing badminton during the IUJ Olympics, please post here as a comment including your name and e-mail. For more queries, please e-mail directly to zadli@iuj.ac.jp.
The rules and format will be decided depending on the number of participants. Thank you.

IUJ Olympics: Volleyball

If you would like to play Volleyball please include your name & email here as a comment (click "Post a Comment").

For example:
Muhammad Jawad - jawad@iuj.ac.jp

You do not have to make a team to sign up here, just sign up individually so we know who wants to play in the tournament.

The rules for the event are as follows:

1. 6 players per team
2. 1 female per team
3. No more than 3 players from the same country

IUJ Olympics Athletics: Relay Race and Sprints

Hi all,

This message is to invite you to participate in the IUJ Olympics Athletics competitions, which will consist of the Relay Race and Sprints.

A brief introduction and regulations follow:

The IUJ Olympics Athletics events will be held from 10 to 11 AM on Sunday in front of the IUJ Main Entrance.

We will kick off with the sprints.

Sprints (Men and women):
1. The sprints will be held in front of the IUJ main entrance.
2. The distance is 60m.
3. Only one person per team is allowed to participate in each of the men and women sprints (if more people would like to participate in the sprint from your team, then please have an internal competition to choose your representative).
4. In case of more than 8 teams fielding participants, there will be two semifinal rounds and the best four in each one will run in a final round.

After the sprints are finished, the relay race will be held.

Relay Race:
1. The race will be amongst teams of four runners each.
2. The course will be in the inner path surrounding IUJ (around the Main Gate, in front of SD2 parking, between SD2 and SD3, between the tennis court and the gym, and around the Research Center and the MLIC.
3. One person will run the whole course (about 800m/0.5 miles), with 4 laps and 4 people running in total, passing a baton at the start/finish line.
4. One of the four participating has to be a female.
5. The female participant will start first with the three male runners following in order to be determined by the team.

Let's enjoy running together and let the fastest ones win!

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

IUJ Green Day!!!

Dear IUJ Campus Community!
We are very proud to present the IUJ Green Day that will be held this weekend!

The goal of this weekend is not just to raise awareness about the importance of looking after Mother Earth, but also to create an opportunity where students and the community can come together and beautify the campus for the 25th Anniversary Celebrations!

We'll kick off with a campus clean-up and flower planting from 10:00 on Saturday followed by a BBQ at 13:00 that clean-up volunteers can join for FREE! Sorry to all the others that won't be cleaning and planting, you have to pay 500yen!

Sunday at 20:00 in CNP/Snack Lounge we'll be showing Al Gore's, "An Inconvenient Truth" about the realities of global warming. This movie won an Oscar last year for best documentary and is a must-see!!

We hope to be seeing all of you participating in the Green Day event! It is open to anyone, so bring your family and friends from outside campus to join in the fun!

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

"Most Countries in a Sauna" - IUJ challenges a Guinness World Record

This is a final call for registration for the "Most Countries in a Sauna" Guinness Book of World Records challenge taking place next Monday, May 14th (morning).

At the moment we have 47 people signed up, which would be sufficient to break the record, but we were hoping for 50 (which would be VERY tough to beat). There are several students whose countries have not been represented. We'd like to remind you that participants will be fully clothed at all times, and will only need to be in the sauna together for a total of 5 minutes to officially set the record.

An updated list of all students currently signed up will be provided shortly.


P.S. EXTRA Special Thanks are due to Jay (Shi Jie) Wong for his work in putting this all together. Excellent idea Jay!!!

SONG REQUESTS??? Use the GSO Party Playlist

In anticipation of the website updates that will be happening to the GSO Website by the end of this month, we have reorganized the GSO Party Playlist in the Public Folder and instituted a new policy for music at the parties.

From now on
no music will be played unless it is submitted to the party playlist first (or otherwise pre-approved by the GSO-EC)

This medium of song request submission is intended to address the student complaints about the music at some parties.

The steps for submitting your song are as follows:

1) Want a song played at an upcoming party!?!

2) Then go to:
\\iuj-home\Public\~~GSO WEEKLY PARTY PLAYLIST~~

3) Drop your song in the appropriate folder

4) Add it to the general Playlist.m3u file, or just leave it in the folder and at the appropriately themed party it will be placed on shuffle by GSO Members or AUTHORIZED DJ’s ONLY!!!!!!

(In the future the GSO Website will provide a form that simplifies the process even more)
Image of the GSO Party Playlist folder in the Public Folder

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Administration message: Simple logic check-up

Every student has recently received message from the administration. Let's try to read it through:

"We are pleased to announce on "Multi-cultural Exchange Forum," commemorative events for IUJ's 25th Anniversary... bla bla bla"
—Very nice, really it is a great event, right!?

"IUJ has formed a unique multi-cultural community where people from 50+ countries live together."
—Excellent, finally the fact is recognized! Probably it will be mostly about students!

"Part I: IUJ 25th Anniversary Open Seminar #1"
—Well, thats something to start with... what is the topic?

"All You Can Do Is All You Can Do"
—Sorry? Does that suppose to sound attractive? Psychology lesson? Ok, let's say I am interested despite the title. I'll come to hear... wait a second, what is that...

"This seminar will be conducted in Japanese. No interpretation is provided."
—SAY WHAT? I thought it is about integration and international understanding... you said 50+ nations... I thought... ok, fine, you go ahead I'll just wait here in the GYM for you to come and eat some food, which I will spend my time cooking... that's fine, maybe then we will have something to interact about...

Where the hell is logic?

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

keep SD3 clean

Whats up with the red liquid (juice?) spilled all over the floor in front of the 1st floor elevator? And why is the liquid splattered all over the walls as well?!

I understand there isn't a communal mop, or other cleaning supplies...so all the more reason not to throw juice on the walls. c'mon, we all have to live in this place, so let's try to keep it clean. The housekeepers/cleaners are not your personal servants. They're here to help keep the place reasonably clean.

This goes for the kitchen too. Why not put your garbage in the garbage can?! What's so hard about that? why do some people feel the need to leave onion scraps all over the table and floor?

again, we're all sharing this place, so act responsibly.