Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Administration message: Simple logic check-up

Every student has recently received message from the administration. Let's try to read it through:

"We are pleased to announce on "Multi-cultural Exchange Forum," commemorative events for IUJ's 25th Anniversary... bla bla bla"
—Very nice, really it is a great event, right!?

"IUJ has formed a unique multi-cultural community where people from 50+ countries live together."
—Excellent, finally the fact is recognized! Probably it will be mostly about students!

"Part I: IUJ 25th Anniversary Open Seminar #1"
—Well, thats something to start with... what is the topic?

"All You Can Do Is All You Can Do"
—Sorry? Does that suppose to sound attractive? Psychology lesson? Ok, let's say I am interested despite the title. I'll come to hear... wait a second, what is that...

"This seminar will be conducted in Japanese. No interpretation is provided."
—SAY WHAT? I thought it is about integration and international understanding... you said 50+ nations... I thought... ok, fine, you go ahead I'll just wait here in the GYM for you to come and eat some food, which I will spend my time cooking... that's fine, maybe then we will have something to interact about...

Where the hell is logic?


RyUJ said...

Yeah, I couldn't agree more. If it is supposed to be a multi-cultural event, it would be a good idea to create conditions so that people from different cultures could attend.

If it's gonna be in Japanese, a sheet with the English translation is the least that could be provided.

Good luck IUJ with another sure-to-be successful event. I hope your audience of farmers and their wives enjoy it!

bcpld said...

That's true guys... totally agree.
So we have a few weeks, what do we do about it?!?

I'm stumped on this one but am MORE than willing to help out if you have some ideas on how to make the event better.

An obvious one is:
PROVIDE INTERPRETATION (or as ryuj mentioned, at lesaet provide a translated sheet). I mean, we have 3 weeks to translate it I think we can manage.

Anyway, let's do something about it... Between the Guinness World Record attempt on May 14th, and 25th Anniversary on May 25th weekend, we have a real chance to throw some great events that, god forbid, PUT IUJ ON THE MAP!?!?

Anyway, let me know what you think guys... the GSO is in an awkward position to just sorta follow what administration on this one, but as students we can throw something together and make it count.

Rich said...

well, perhaps live translation could be a problem, but as has been mentioned, at least an outline of the speech could be provided in English.

RyUJ said...

I think that a sheet translation is not too much to ask. Seeing as the speaker is an English-speaker, as are many of the IUJ staff, it shouldn't be too much of a problem. If GSO-EC dosn't mind to mention it at their next meeting with Admin., then if they say "no", we an work from there...

Sadly, this has happened many times, including last year. There have been numerous lectures organized in Japanese with no translation, and you would expect that the low student turn-out would have offered the Uni some clues...but it didn't..!