Wednesday, April 18, 2007

New GSO-EC Policy: Less time at the parties, less work with Lost&Found e-mail forwarding...

... what's next?

I mean it is not a problem if you are trying to spend less time serving the purposes you were elected for, or in other words be more "efficient", which in my opinion deteriorates the quality. But then we should probably expect from you the increase in the number of activities you are going to offer, shouldn't we?

I hope you have some explanation for it. Would be nice to see some new events in this beautiful time of the year. Tell us your plan!?

P.S. The Lost&Found e-mails existed for the matter of letting people, who found the thing, know that someone is actually looking for it and they can not keep as a souvenir.


Chinpoko chan 07 said...

looks like dodgeball is something new. regarding the parties, what more do you want?

bcpld said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

It's a simple concept if you ask me:

You found something?
Bring it to Lost & Found

You lost something?
Go to Lost & Found.

It's better than running around trying to find someone who has it, and getting 100s of extra Spam mails everytime someone loses their iPod earbuds or Japanese notebook.

GSO-EC said...

Dear concerned student;

We would like to say that we appreciate your concern and interest in these issues, however we would like to remind you of three things:

1) GSO's mandate is to improve student life at IUJ
2) It is in our best interest, as well as those of all students, to run GSO activities as efficiently as possible, and use Administration resources when they are available
3) We are volunteers, GSO is an unpaidposition and we are students like everyone else, so unfortunately the time we have to run activities is limited

That said, we have many exciting new activities planned for this term, for example:

- Martial Arts Night last week

- Dodgeball Night this Saturday

- Yamazaki Improvement Project & Survey of All Students

- IUJ Idol - Karaoke Competition
Where prize money will be awarded to the best karaoke stars at IUJ. We hope to involve all students, as well as inviting the community to watch the Finalists perform.

- IUJ Olympics & Sugihara Cup Double-Header
A weekend of Sports activities based around the Olympics. This year we will invite other Universities, the community and have a wider array of events. The weekend will sound of with prizes and a barbeque which our beloved President Sugihara has agreed to donate.

- Arbor Day & Green Day
Where GSO will call for the help from all IUJ students, staff & faculty to begin building a Community Park on our large and mostly empty Campus space.

- IUJ End-of-Year Formal
A night of Music, Dancing & Memories to be held around the end of term/graduation time. Everyone will be expected to wear their Sunday's best, as this will be a classier event than previous years.

bcpld said...

I'd like to add I've been working my A$$ off on the Gym Improvement project.

Although I will NOT enjoy these improvements much while I am here, since it may only be a month or two, I am proud to say that NEW Equipment has actually been ordered for the first time in 25 years, facility improvements such as new Flooring and rennovations to the walls is slated for next month, and furthermore a contract has been put in place for a 4-year Gym Improvement Initiative. I'd like to add that none of this would have been possible without the help of dedicated students like Jeffrey Crawford, and the many others who offered constructive criticism and support.

So before you critize, realize that most of us are giving everything we have to improve life at IUJ. Some people prefer to sit back and complain, others get active and constructively help their elected members work towards improvements.

It's these students that I'd like to thank from the bottom of my heart!!!

Anonymous said...

"Tell us your plan!?"

why don't we (as non-GSO-EC students) offer some suggestions on activities to do? If you've offered practical suggestions, and they were denied for no apparent reason...then you have a real complaint.

Anonymous said...

Brian, JC, et al,

Big thanks for the gym project!